Never a dull moment here in the mountains!
We knew something was amiss when we heard the neighbors' dogs pitching a fit. You could hear their barking all over the neighborhood!
Bill snapped these photos from under the tree near our mailboxes.
You can't see them in these pics, but there are two cubs up higher in the tree. They were huddled on a branch on the back side of the tree trunk.
After all the excitement subsided, the bears were still in the tree. They'll probably wait until dark to make their 'escape'.
Hope they don't come to our house!


Susan B said...

Oh my! I'll say that is excitement! They sure are cute, though I don't think I would want to see them up close.

I hope you have a lovely week! :)

bp said...

What a nice visitor you have there!

I like the pretty fall leaves at the top of the blog. I am excited for FALL!

God bless you, Susan!

Unknown said...

oh wow! i've never seen bears while living in nc. my parents are out on hwy.294 and have already had two sightings this month. one bear was on their porch eating bird seed.

your pictures are close enough for me!